• The process of wet felting made easy, ergonomic, quicker and more precise. Made with native hard woods and hand turned by Harry firth of HeartFelt Silks. Finished with a 2 part long lasting epoxy.
  • NEW! Learn to make a Felted Wool Loose Lock Shawl with Ruffles in this detailed VIDEO tutorial from fiber artist Robbin Firth. This is a WET FELTING virtual workshop consisting of a VIDEO tutorial (1 hour 10 mins long) and a supplemental PDF. The video was professionally recorded and edited. This VIDEO TUTORIAL includes complete step-by-step instructions, detailed explanations, and helpful tips. Step into Robbin's beautiful HeartFelt Silks studio, and follow along as Robbin walks you through the process of making your very own luxurious hand-felted Wool Locks Shawl. Learn how to prepare wool locks, how to create a proper layout, how to use resists, and how to complete the felting process from start to finish. This tutorial uses the Palm Washboard felting method, developed by Robbin Firth. This Palm Washboard method is easier on the body than other traditional felting methods, and this method speeds up the felting process. Robbin will help you master the Palm Washboard technique while creating a one-of-a-kind glamorous wool locks shawl. Regular Palm Washboard and Edge Palm Washboard needed for the making process. Some felting experience is recommended. After you complete your online purchase, you will be able to download a PDF file with a passcode and instructions for accessing the VIDEO. Technical support is available. Please contact robbin@heartfeltsilks.com. You are purchasing an instant digital download, and no refunds are available. Copyright 2016-2021 HeartFelt Silks and Robbin Firth. Distribution or reproduction of any video or text materials without permission is prohibited. Refunds are not given once purchase is completed. Also available from HeartFelt Silks -- an exclusive line of hand-crafted patented Palm Washboard felting tools, as well as a wide variety of felting and fiber art materials, including hand-dyed wool and silk fiber and fabric, wool pre-felt, felting kits, UPWOLFING felting supplies, tutorials, wood shawl pins and wood buttons. Artist Robbin Firth's fiber art garments and accessories are also available. Visit http://heartfeltsilks.etsy.com to shop for more from HeartFelt Silks. Visit https://heartfeltsilks.com for more about artist Robbin Firth. Her HeartFelt Silks retail and teaching studio is located at 243 Third St North in Bayport, Minnesota.
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