Winter Palm Washboard


2 in stock

The process of wet felting made easy, ergonomic, quicker and more precise. Made with native hard woods and hand turned by Harry firth of HeartFelt Silks.

Finished with a 2 part long lasting epoxy.

2 in stock


A special limited edition Winter “Bling” Palm Washboard just in time for the holiday season! The “Bling” Palm Washboard is a version of the original Palm Washboard, with a sparkle design. The original Palm Washboard is for wet felting scarves, shawls, and other items. All Palm Washboards are made of native hard woods, turned on a lathe, and finished with three coats of epoxy finish. Instructions and mesh netting fabric are included. All Palm Washboards come with 1 year limited warranty.

Designed, developed, and hand-crafted in Stillwater, Minnesota, the wooden Patented Palm Washboard tools from HeartFelt Silks greatly simplify all steps of wet felting. This allows fiber art enthusiasts to focus on creativity, as the tedium of hand rolling has been entirely removed from the process. And allows more control and a visual of your work.
Using our tools you can combine elements of needle felting, nuno felting and wet felting. The process is easy to learn and will help you design your accessories like a pro. The patented Palm Washboard is the newest and greatest way to wet felt your fibers together.

Size: 1.75 inches tall, 5 inches around. Handle measurement across is 2 inches. This listing is for ONE Palm Washboard made in one or more of the following woods: Cherry, Black Walnut, Maple, and Butternut.

Watch a VIDEO demonstration on how the Palm Washboard wet felting tools work HERE:

Also available from HeartFelt Silks — an exclusive line of hand-crafted patented Palm Washboard felting tools, as well as a wide variety of felting and fiber art materials, including hand-dyed wool and silk fiber and fabric, wool pre-felt, felting kits, tutorials, wood shawl pins and wood buttons. Artist Robbin Firth’s fiber art garments and accessories are also available. Visit to shop for more from HeartFelt Silks.

Additional information

Weight .14 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 3 in
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